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Level 2 | anatomical surface Short Extended |
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Taxonomic list |
FMAID | TA | UID | Pair |
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
24137 | 10182 |
anatomical surface
superficies anatomica
242980 | 10498 |
bona fide anatomical surface
superficies anatomica bona fide
61695 | 10118 |
surface of body
superficies corporis
24146 | 13502 | part |
surface of region of human body
superficies regionis corporis humani
24147 | 10511 |
surface of subdivision of cardinal body part
superficies divisionis partis principalis corporis humani
49188 | 10512 |
surface of subdivision of head T3 66 children
superficies divisionis capitis
61568 | 9616 | part |
neurocranial region
regio neurocranialis
61569 | 10518 |
surface of subdivision of cranium T4 34 children
superficies divisionis cranii
46477 | 123 | part |
frontal region
regio frontalis
9621 | part |
supraorbital region
regio supraorbitalis
46478 | 124 | part |
parietal region
regio parietalis
46479 | 125 | part |
occipital region
regio occipitalis
61700 | 126 | part |
temporal region
regio temporalis
46482 | 128 | part |
mastoid region
regio mastoidea
46481 | 127 | part |
auricular region
regio auricularis
61698 | 17880 |
subdivision of auricular region
divisio regionis auricularis
61095 | 17881 |
surface of auricle
superficies auriculae
8129 | part |
lateral surface of auricle
facies lateralis auriculae
8132 | part |
medial surface of auricle
facies medialis auriculae
61168 | 7128 | part |
groove of crus of helix
sulcus cruris helicis
61104 | 7113 | part |
scapha ; scaphoid gutter
scapha ; canalis scaphoideus
61187 | 7123 | part |
posterior auricular groove
sulcus posterior auriculae
46483 | 129 | part |
facial region ; region of face
regio facialis ; regio faciei
46485 | 10519 |
surface of subdivision of face T4 28 children
superficies divisionis faciei
75016 | 130 | part |
suprapalpebral groove
sulcus suprapalpebralis
131 | part |
orbital region
regio orbitalis
75017 | 132 | part |
infrapalpebral groove
sulcus infrapalpebralis
74814 | 133 | part |
infraorbital region
regio infraorbitalis
74817 | 134 | part |
buccal region
regio buccalis
74826 | 135 | part |
parotidomasseteric region
regio parotideomasseterica
74822 | 136 | part |
zygomatic region
regio zygomatica
74820 | 137 | part |
nasal region
regio nasalis
75018 | 138 | part |
nasolabial groove
sulcus nasolabialis
74821 | 139 | part |
oral region
regio oralis
75019 | 140 | part |
geniolabial groove
sulcus geniolabialis
141 | part |
mental region
regio mentalis
61567 | 10513 |
surface of subdivision of neck T3 41 children
superficies divisionis cervicis
57774 | 10973 |
subdivision of lateral cervical region
divisio regionis cervicalis lateralis
75021 | 151 | part |
omoclavicular trigone
trigonum omoclaviculare
57773 | 143 | part |
anterior cervical triangle
regio cervicalis anterior
10624 |
surface of subdivision of anterior part of neck
superficies divisionis partis anterioris cervicis
57777 | 9622 | part |
anterior cervical triangle
trigonum cervicale anterius
61604 | 147 | part |
submental trigone
trigonum submentale
57779 | 144 | part |
submandibular trigone
trigonum submandibulare
61598 | 145 | part |
carotic trigone
trigonum caroticum
61601 | 146 | part |
muscular trigone ; omotracheal trigone
trigonum musculare ; trigonum omotracheale
81001 | 17169 | part |
occipital triangle
trigonum occipitale
9629 | part |
suprahyoid region
regio suprahyoidea
9630 | part |
infrahyoid region
regio infrahyoidea
75020 | 148 | part |
sternocleidomastoid region
regio sternocleidomastoidea
10625 |
surface of subdivision of sternocleidomastoid part
superficies divisionis partis sternocleidomastoideae
84981 | 149 | part |
lesser supraclavicular fossa of cervical region
fossa supraclavicularis minor regionis cervicalis
57778 | 150 | part |
lateral cervical region ; posterior cervical triangle
regio cervicalis lateralis ; trigonum cervicale posterius; trigonum posterius colli
10626 |
surface of subdivision of lateral part of neck
superficies divisionis partis lateralis cervicis
84958 | 152 | part |
greater supraclavicular fossa of cervical region
fossa supraclavicularis major regionis cervicalis
24189 | 153 | part |
posterior cervical region ; posterior region of neck
regio cervicalis posterior ; regio posterior cervicis
61548 | 10514 |
surface of subdivision of trunk T3 65 children
superficies divisionis trunci
326161 | 13539 |
surface of subdivision of abdominal segment of trunk
superficies divisionis segmenti abdominalis trunci
61551 | 10539 |
surface of subdivision of abdomen T4 15 children
superficies divisionis abdominis
61685 | 10590 |
surface of dorsum of abdomen
superficies dorsi abdominis
61684 | 10591 |
surface of anterior part of abdomen
superficies partis anterioris abdominis
9688 | 166 | part |
epigastrium ; epigastrium
epigastrium ; regio epigastrica ; fossa epigastrica
14601 | 165 | part |
hypochondrium ; regio hypochondriaca
61683 | 168 | part |
umbilical region
regio umbilicalis
74805 | 167 | part |
flank ; lateral region
latus ; regio lateralis
14602 | 170 | part |
hypogastrium ; pubic region
hypogastrium ; regio pubica
9685 | 169 | part |
groin ; inguinal region
inguen ; regio inguinalis
14600 | 164 | part |
region of abdomen
regio abdominis ; regio abdominalis
61555 | 10540 |
surface of subdivision of perineum T4 2 children
superficies divisionis perinei
28026 | 183 | part |
urogenital region
regio urogenitalis
28029 | 182 | part |
anal region
regio analis
327403 | 14765 |
lumbar trigone T4 6 children
trigonum lumbale
75023 | 179 | part |
(inferior lumbar trigone )
(trigonum lumbale inferius )
75024 | 180 | part |
(superior lumbar trigone )
(trigonum lumbale superius )
24030 | 181 | part |
perineal region
regio perinealis
61687 | 10592 |
surface of subdivision of posterior part of abdomen T4 4 children
superficies divisionis partis posterioris abdominis
74804 | 172 | part |
vertebral region
regio vertebralis
61681 | 178 | part |
lumbar region
regio lumbalis
24149 | 173 | part |
sacral region
regio sacralis
24122 | 10538 |
surface of subdivision of thoracic segment of trunk T4 26 children
superficies divisionis segmenti thoracici trunci
24124 | 154 | part |
thoracic region
regio thoracica
75025 | 155 | part |
presternal region
regio presternalis
61547 | 17669 |
subdivision of surface of pectoral part
divisio superficiei partis pectoralis
74798 | 17670 |
subdivision of surface of infraclavicular part of pectus
divisio superficiei partis infraclavicularis pectoris
61541 | 156 | part |
infraclavicular fossa of thoracic region
fossa infraclavicularis regionis thoracici
157 | part |
clavipectoral trigone ; deltopectoral trigone
trigonum clavipectorale ; trigonum deltopectorale
158 | part |
pectoral region
regio pectoralis
159 | part |
lateral pectoral region
regio pectoralis lateralis
160 | part |
mammary region
regio mammaria
161 | part |
inframammary region
regio inframammaria
323993 | 17673 |
surface of subdivision of dorsum of thorax
superficies divisionis dorsi thoracis
74834 | 177 | part |
infrascapular region
regio infrascapularis
75022 | 176 | part |
auscultatory triangle
trigonum auscultationis
24205 | 171 | part |
region of dorsum
regio dorsalis
25231 | 10515 |
surface of subdivision of limb T3 194 children
superficies divisionis membri
61570 | 10584 |
surface of girdle
superficies cinguli
61571 | 10585 |
surface of subdivision of pectoral girdle
superficies divisionis cinguli pectoralis
74800 | 162 | part |
axillary region
regio axillaris
25235 | 185 | part |
deltoid region
regio deltoidea
61573 | 175 | part |
scapular region
regio scapularis
25244 | 10586 |
surface of subdivision of pelvic girdle
superficies divisionis cinguli pelvici
74829 | 218 | part |
gluteal region
regio glutealis
25248 | 221 | part |
region of hip
regio coxae
25236 | 10589 |
surface of subdivision of free limb
superficies divisionis membri liberi
24176 | 10587 |
surface of subdivision of free upper limb T4 81 children
superficies divisionis partis liberae membri superioris
61518 | 10593 |
surface of subdivision of arm
superficies divisionis brachii
25265 | 187 | part |
anterior region of arm
regio brachii anterior ; regio brachialis anterior
25272 | 190 | part |
posterior region of arm
regio brachii posterior ; regio brachialis posterior
24178 | 186 | part |
brachial region
regio brachii
25273 | 191 | part |
cubital region
regio cubitalis
25276 | 192 | part |
anterior region of elbow
regio cubitalis anterior
61501 | 10594 |
surface of subdivision of anterior elbow
superficies divisionis cubiti anterioris
79886 | 193 | part |
cubital fossa
fossa cubitalis
25277 | 194 | part |
posterior region of elbow
regio cubitalis posterior
24177 | 195 | part |
region of forearm
regio antebrachialis
25292 | 196 | part |
anterior region of forearm
regio antebrachii anterior ; regio antebrachialis anterior
25295 | 197 | part |
posterior region of forearm
regio antebrachii posterior ; regio antebrachialis posterior
25240 | 200 | part |
region of hand
regio manus
25264 | 10595 |
surface of subdivision of hand
superficies divisionis manus
25299 | 201 | part |
carpal region
regio carpalis
25303 | 202 | part |
anterior region of wrist
regio carpalis anterior
25306 | 203 | part |
posterior region of wrist
regio carpalis posterior
25309 | 208 | part |
metacarpal region
regio metacarpalis
9683 | 205 | part |
palmar region of hand
regio palmaris manus ; regio volaris manus
25298 | 204 | part |
dorsal region of hand
regio dorsalis manus
25312 | 209 | part |
region of fingers of hand
regio digitorum manus
25314 | 215 | part |
palmar surface of fingers of hand
facies palmaris digitorum manus
25313 | 216 | part |
dorsal surface of fingers of hand
facies dorsalis digitorum manus
25312 | 10605 |
surface of subdivision of finger of hand
superficies divisionis digiti manus
25320 | 210 | part |
region of thumb
regio pollicis ; regio digiti primi
25321 | 211 | part |
region of index finger
regio digiti secundi ; regio digiti secundi
25322 | 212 | part |
region of third finger
regio digiti tertii ; regio digiti tertii
25323 | 213 | part |
region of ring finger
regio digiti quarti ; regio digiti quarti
25324 | 214 | part |
region of little finger
regio digiti minimi
326157 | 17167 | part |
thenar region
regio thenaris
326156 | 17168 | part |
hypothenar region
regio hypothenaris
25266 | 10588 |
surface of subdivision of free lower limb T4 92 children
superficies divisionis partis liberae membri inferioris
25241 | 222 | part |
femoral region
regio femoralis
25404 | 223 | part |
anterior region of thigh
regio femoris anterior
10600 |
subdivision of anterior region of thigh
divisio regionis femoris anterioris
58780 | 224 | part |
femoral trigone
trigonum femoris
25405 | 225 | part |
posterior region of thigh
regio femoris posterior
25418 | 226 | part |
region of knee
regio genus
25419 | 227 | part |
anterior region of knee
regio genus anterior
25420 | 228 | part |
posterior region of knee
regio genus posterior
10601 |
subdivision of posterior region of knee
divisio regionis genus posterioris
22525 | 229 | part |
popliteal fossa of knee
fossa poplitea genus
25242 | 230 | part |
region of leg
regio cruris
25427 | 231 | part |
anterior region of leg
regio cruris anterior
25428 | 232 | part |
posterior region of leg
regio cruris posterior
10602 |
subdivision of posterior region of leg
divisio regionis cruris posterioris
25428 | 233 | part |
sural region
regio surae
25439 | 249 | part |
ankle region
regio tarsalis
25440 | 234 | part |
anterior talocrural region ; anterior ankle region
regio talocruralis anterior
25441 | 235 | part |
posterior talocrural region
regio talocruralis posterior
74856 | 10603 |
surface of malleolar part of ankle
superficies partis malleolaris tarsi
10964 |
surface of retromalleolar part of ankle
superficies partis retromalleolaris tarsi
74858 | 236 | part |
lateral retromalleolar region
regio retromalleolaris lateralis
74857 | 237 | part |
medial retromalleolar region
regio retromalleolaris medialis
25243 | 238 | part |
region of foot
regio pedis
10604 |
surface of subdivision of foot
superficies divisionis pedis
25452 | 239 | part |
region of heel
regio calcanea
25453 | 240 | part |
dorsum of foot ; dorsal region of foot
dorsum pedis ; regio dorsalis pedis
25454 | 250 | part |
metatarsal region
regio metatarsalis
25455 | 241 | part |
sole of foot ; plantar region of foot
planta pedis ; regio plantaris pedis
25456 | 251 | part |
region of toes; digits of foot
regio digitorum pedis
25467 | 252 | part |
region of great toe of foot
regio hallucis pedis
25470 | 253 | part |
region of second toe of foot
regio digiti secundi pedis
25473 | 254 | part |
region of third toe of foot
regio digiti tertii pedis
25474 | 255 | part |
region of fourth toe of foot
regio digiti quarti pedis
25475 | 256 | part |
region of little toe of foot; region of fifth toe
regio digiti quinti pedis ; regio digiti quinti pedis
25483 | 257 | part |
plantar surface of toes
facies plantaris digitorum pedis
25482 | 258 | part |
dorsal surface of fingers of foot
facies dorsalis digitorum pedis
24145 | 9460 | part |
region of human body T3 5 children
regio corporis humani
24150 | 122 | part |
region of head
regio capitis
24151 | 142 | part |
cervical region
regio cervicalis
24152 | 10516 |
surface of whole limb
superficies membri
24153 | 184 | part |
region of upper limb
regio membri superioris
24154 | 217 | part |
region of lower limb
regio membri inferioris
24208 | 10501 |
surface of organ T3 22 children
superficies organi
55642 | 16714 | part |
surface of tooth
facies dentis
55643 | 2358 | part |
occlusal surface
facies occlusalis
55644 | 2359 | part |
vestibular surface
facies vestibularis
55645 | 2360 | part |
buccal surface
facies buccalis
55646 | 2361 | part |
labial surface
facies labialis
55647 | 2362 | part |
lingual surface
facies lingualis
55648 | 2363 | part |
palatal surface
facies palatinalis
55650 | 2364 | part |
mesial surface
facies mesialis
55649 | 2365 | part |
distal surface
facies distalis
55651 | 2366 | part |
proximal surface ; interproximal surface
facies proximalis
55315 | 17885 |
surface of cartilaginous organ
superficies organi cartilaginei
61193 | 17886 |
surface of auricular cartilage
superficies cartilaginis auriculae
61154 | 17887 |
subdivision of medial surface of auricular cartilage
divisio superficiei medialis cartilaginis auriculae
61156 | 7130 | part |
conchal eminence ; eminence of concha of auricle of auricle
eminentia conchae auriculae
61159 | 7131 | part |
eminence of scapha ; scaphoid eminence
eminentia scaphae
61162 | 7132 | part |
eminence of triangular fossa of antihelix ; triangular fossa eminence
eminentia fossae triangularis antihelicis
45688 | 14758 |
surface of region of organ T3 619 children
superficies regionis organi
24211 | 14762 |
surface of region of heart T4 5 children
superficies regionis cordis
222938 | 15986 |
surface of cardiac chamber
superficies camerae cardiacae
24212 | 15987 |
surface of subdivision of right atrium
superficies divisionis atrii dextri
9522 | 3618 | part |
right surface of heart ; right pulmonary surface of heart
facies dextra cordis ; facies pulmonalis dextra cordis
65961 | 10843 |
surface of subdivision of left atrium
superficies divisionis atrii sinistri
9549 | 11341 | part |
left surface of heart ; left pulmonary surface of heart
facies sinistra cordis ; facies pulmonalis sinistra cordis
58346 | 15324 |
surface of region of diaphragm
superficies regionis diaphragmatis
58351 | 1870 | part |
sternocostal trigone
trigonum sternocostale
58353 | 1871 | part |
lumbocostal trigone
trigonum lumbocostale
33365 | 16995 |
surface of region of bone
superficies regionis ossis
66081 | 17066 |
surface of region of rib T4 72 children
superficies regionis costae
7579 | 859 | part |
articular facet of head of rib
facies articularis capitis costae
7604 | 13077 | part |
articular surface of head of first rib
facies articularis capitis costae primae
7631 | 13133 | part |
articular surface of head of second rib
facies articularis capitis costae secundae
7704 | 22424 | part |
articular surface of head of third rib
facies articularis capitis costae tertiae
7752 | 11408 | part |
articular surface of head of fourth rib
facies articularis capitis costae quartae
7779 | 11443 | part |
articular surface of head of fifth rib
facies articularis capitis costae quintae
7806 | 17068 | part |
articular surface of head of sixth rib
facies articularis capitis costae sextae
7833 | 17069 | part |
articular surface of head of seventh rib
facies articularis capitis costae septimae
8123 | 17070 | part |
articular surface of head of eighth rib
facies articularis capitis costae octavae
8340 | 17071 | part |
articular surface of head of ninth rib
facies articularis capitis costae nonae
8421 | 17072 | part |
articular surface of head of tenth rib
facies articularis capitis costae decimae
8503 | 17073 | part |
articular surface of head of eleventh rib
facies articularis capitis costae undecimae
8519 | 17074 | part |
articular surface of head of twelfth rib
facies articularis capitis costae duodecimae
7584 | 865 | part |
articular facet of tubercle of rib
facies articularis tuberculi costae
66092 | 13099 | part |
articular face of tubercle of first rib
facies articularis tuberculi costae primae
66093 | 13157 | part |
articular face of tubercle of second rib
facies articularis tuberculi costae secundae
66094 | 22448 | part |
articular face of tubercle of third rib
facies articularis tuberculi costae tertiae
66095 | 11431 | part |
articular face of tubercle of fourth rib
facies articularis tuberculi costae quartae
66096 | 11459 | part |
articular face of tubercle of fifth rib
facies articularis tuberculi costae quintae
66097 | 17109 | part |
articular face of tubercle of sixth rib
facies articularis tuberculi costae sextae
66098 | 17110 | part |
articular face of tubercle of seventh rib
facies articularis tuberculi costae septimae
66099 | 17111 | part |
articular face of tubercle of eighth rib
facies articularis tuberculi costae octavae
66100 | 17112 | part |
articular face of tubercle of ninth rib
facies articularis tuberculi costae nonae
66101 | 17113 | part |
articular face of tubercle of tenth rib
facies articularis tuberculi costae decimae
32438 | 17140 |
surface of region of sacral vertebra
superficies regionis vertebrae sacralis
31722 | 829 | part |
base of sacrum
basis ossis sacri
53147 | 13540 |
surface of region of bone of cranium T4 47 children
superficies regionis ossis cranii
53148 | 13541 |
surface of zone of sphenoid
superficies zonae ossis sphenoidalis
53149 | 514 | part |
cerebral surface of greater wing
facies cerebralis alae majoris
53150 | 515 | part |
temporal surface of greater wing
facies temporalis alae majoris
53151 | 516 | part |
infratemporal surface of greater wing
facies infratemporalis alae majoris
75321 | 518 | part |
maxillary surface of greater wing
facies maxillaris alae majoris
53153 | 519 | part |
orbital surface of greater wing
facies orbitalis alae majoris
81056 | 16997 |
surface of zone of palatine bone
superficies zonae ossis palatini
59176 | 16998 |
surface of perpendicular plate of palatine bone
superficies laminae perpendicularis ossis palatini
59179 | 698 | part |
nasal surface of perpendicular plate of palatine bone
facies nasalis laminae perpendicularis ossis palatini
59182 | 699 | part |
maxillary surface of perpendicular plate of palatine bone
facies maxillaris laminae perpendicularis ossis palatini
59185 | 16999 |
surface of horizontal layer of palatine bone
superficies laminae horizontalis ossis palatini
59188 | 709 | part |
nasal surface of horizontal layer of palatine bone
facies nasalis laminae horizontalis ossis palatini
59192 | 710 | part |
palatine surface of horizontal layer of palatine bone
facies palatina laminae horizontalis ossis palatini
54939 | 17021 |
surface of zone of temporal bone
superficies zonae ossis temporalis
55493 | 548 | part |
mastoid notch
incisura mastoidea
54950 | 564 | part |
anterior surface of petrous part of temporal bone
facies anterior partis petrosae ossis temporalis
55939 | 574 | part |
posterior surface of petrous part
facies posterior partis petrosae
54943 | 608 | part |
temporal surface of temporal bone
facies temporalis ossis temporalis
55709 | 583 | part |
inferior surface of petrous part
facies inferior partis petrosae
37022 | 21042 |
surface of region of vertebra
superficies regionis vertebrae
24063 | 21043 |
surface of vertebral body
superficies corporis vertebrae
65159 | 21044 |
subdivision of surface of vertebral body
divisio superficiei corporis vertebrae
13577 | 21445 |
costal surface of body of thoracic vertebra T4 99 children
facies costalis corporis vertebrae thoracicae
10440 | 822 | part |
costal fovea of transverse process of vertebra of vertebra
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae
9184 | 11918 | part |
costal fovea of transverse process of first thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae primae
9203 | 10713 | part |
costal fovea of transverse process of second thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae secundae
9225 | 9948 | part |
costal fovea of transverse process of third thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
9264 | 9949 | part |
costal fovea of transverse process of fourth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae quartae
9938 | 9950 | part |
costal fovea of transverse process of fifth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae quintae
16580 | part |
costal fovea of transverse process of sixth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae sextae
16581 | part |
costal fovea of transverse process of seventh thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae septimae
16582 | part |
costal fovea of transverse process of eighth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae octavae
16583 | part |
costal fovea of transverse process of ninth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae nonae
16584 | part |
costal fovea of transverse process of tenth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis processus transversi vertebrae thoracicae decimae
9145 | 820 | part |
superior costal fovea of thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae
9171 | 16578 | part |
superior costal fovea of first thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae primae
9192 | 21496 | part |
superior costal fovea of second thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae secundae
9214 | 21552 | part |
superior costal fovea of third thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
9253 | 21832 | part |
superior costal fovea of fourth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae quartae
9927 | 21608 | part |
superior costal fovea of fifth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae quintae
9950 | 21888 | part |
superior costal fovea of sixth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae sextae
9973 | 21664 | part |
superior costal fovea of seventh thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae septimae
9996 | 21944 | part |
superior costal fovea of eighth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae octavae
10019 | 21720 | part |
superior costal fovea of ninth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae nonae
10042 | 22000 | part |
superior costal fovea of tenth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis superior vertebrae thoracicae decimae
9146 | 821 | part |
inferior costal fovea of thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae
16579 | part |
inferior costal fovea of first thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae primae
21500 | part |
inferior costal fovea of second thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae secundae
21556 | part |
inferior costal fovea of third thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
21836 | part |
inferior costal fovea of fourth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quartae
21612 | part |
inferior costal fovea of fifth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quintae
21892 | part |
inferior costal fovea of sixth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae sextae
21668 | part |
inferior costal fovea of seventh thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae septimae
21948 | part |
inferior costal fovea of eighth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae octavae
21724 | part |
inferior costal fovea of ninth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae nonae
22004 | part |
inferior costal fovea of tenth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis inferior vertebrae thoracicae decimae
10064 | 21780 | part |
costal fovea of eleventh thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
11994 | 22060 | part |
costal fovea of twelfth thoracic vertebra
fovea costalis vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
65557 | 21045 |
articular face of tooth of axis
facies articularis dentis axis
24091 | 816 | part |
anterior articular facet of tooth of axis
facies articularis anterior dentis axis
24092 | 817 | part |
posterior articular facet
facies articularis posterior dentis axis
75792 | 781 | part |
anular epiphysis T4 53 children
epiphysis anularis
21098 |
superior anular epiphysis
epiphysis anularis superior
21103 |
superior anular epiphysis of cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior vertebrae cervicalis
10673 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of third cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
13250 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of fourth cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quartae
13301 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of fifth cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quintae
13322 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of sixth cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis sextae
13557 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of vertebra prominens
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae prominentis
21104 |
superior anular epiphysis of thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior vertebrae thoracicae
15047 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of first thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae primae
21451 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of second thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae secundae
21507 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of third thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
21787 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of fourth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quartae
21563 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of fifth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quintae
21843 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of sixth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae sextae
21619 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of seventh thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae septimae
21899 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of eighth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae octavae
21675 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of ninth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae nonae
21955 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of tenth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae decimae
21731 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of eleventh thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
22011 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of twelfth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
21105 |
superior anular epiphysis of lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior vertebrae lumbalis
22067 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of first lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis primae
22127 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of second lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis secundae
22187 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of third lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
22247 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of fourth lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quartae
22307 | part |
superior anular epiphysis of body of fifth lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quintae
21099 |
inferior anular epiphysis
epiphysis anularis inferior
21100 |
inferior anular epiphysis of cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis
10662 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of axis
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis axis
11017 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of third cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
15038 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fourth cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quartae
15040 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fifth cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quintae
15042 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of sixth cervical vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis sextae
15044 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of vertebra prominens
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae prominentis
21101 |
inferior anular epiphysis of thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae
15048 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of first thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae primae
21452 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of second thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae secundae
21508 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of third thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
21788 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fourth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quartae
21564 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fifth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quintae
21844 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of sixth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae sextae
21620 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of seventh thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae septimae
21900 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of eighth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae octavae
21676 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of ninth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae nonae
21956 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of tenth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae decimae
21732 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of eleventh thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
22012 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of twelfth thoracic vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
21102 |
inferior anular epiphysis of lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis
22068 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of first lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis primae
22128 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of second lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis secundae
22188 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of third lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
22248 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fourth lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quartae
22308 | part |
inferior anular epiphysis of body of fifth lumbar vertebra
epiphysis anularis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quintae
780 | part |
intervertebral surface T4 53 children
facies intervertebralis
13565 | 21092 |
superior intervertebral surface of vertebral body
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae
24077 | 21106 |
superior intervertebral surface of body of typical cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis labii
24264 | 10672 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of third cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
27051 | 13249 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of fourth cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quartae
27107 | 13300 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of fifth cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quintae
27163 | 13321 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of sixth cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae cervicalis sextae
27219 | 13556 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of vertebra prominens
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae prominentis
9163 | 21107 |
superior intervertebral surface of body of thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae
9173 | 15045 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of first thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae primae
9194 | 21449 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of second thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae secundae
9216 | 21505 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of third thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
9255 | 21785 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of fourth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quartae
9929 | 21561 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of fifth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quintae
9952 | 21841 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of sixth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae sextae
9975 | 21617 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of seventh thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae septimae
9998 | 21897 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of eighth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae octavae
10021 | 21673 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of ninth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae nonae
10043 | 21953 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of tenth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae decimae
10065 | 21729 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of eleventh thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
10087 | 22009 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of twelfth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
16225 | 21108 |
superior intervertebral face of body of lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis
16256 | 22065 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of first lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis primae
16257 | 22125 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of second lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis secundae
16258 | 22185 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of third lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
16259 | 22245 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of fourth lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quartae
16260 | 22305 | part |
superior intervertebral surface of body of fifth lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis superior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quintae
13566 | 21093 |
inferior intervertebral face of vertebral body
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae
24065 | 21095 |
inferior intervertebral face of body of typical cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis labii
24078 | 10661 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of axis
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis axis
24265 | 13577 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of third cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
27052 | 15037 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fourth cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quartae
27108 | 15039 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fifth cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis quintae
27164 | 15041 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of sixth cervical vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae cervicalis sextae
27220 | 15043 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of vertebra prominens
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae prominentis
9164 | 21096 |
inferior intervertebral face of body of thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae
9174 | 15046 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of first thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae primae
9195 | 21450 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of second thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae secundae
9217 | 21506 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of third thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
9256 | 21786 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fourth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quartae
9930 | 21562 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fifth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae quintae
9953 | 21842 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of sixth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae sextae
9976 | 21618 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of seventh thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae septimae
9999 | 21898 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of eighth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae octavae
10022 | 21674 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of ninth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae nonae
10044 | 21954 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of tenth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae decimae
10066 | 21730 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of eleventh thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
10088 | 22010 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of twelfth thoracic vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
16226 | 21097 |
inferior intervertebral face of body of lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis
16261 | 22066 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of first lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis primae
16262 | 22126 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of second lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis secundae
16263 | 22186 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of third lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
16264 | 22246 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fourth lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quartae
16265 | 22306 | part |
inferior intervertebral surface of body of fifth lumbar vertebra
facies intervertebralis inferior corporis vertebrae lumbalis quintae
17143 |
surface of superior articular process of vertebra of vertebra
superficies processus articularis superioris vertebrae
24411 | 792 | part |
superior articular facet T4 69 children
facies articularis superior
24694 | 21129 |
superior articular surface of cervical vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis
24746 | 10683 | part |
superior articular surface of third cervical vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
27090 | 13296 | part |
superior articular surface of fourth cervical vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis quartae
27146 | 13312 | part |
superior articular surface of fifth cervical vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis quintae
27202 | 13333 | part |
superior articular surface of sixth cervical vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae cervicalis sextae
27258 | 15021 | part |
superior articular surface of vertebra prominens
facies articularis superior vertebrae prominentis
24809 | 21130 |
superior articular surface of thoracic vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae
28484 | 15006 | part |
superior articular surface of first thoracic vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae primae
28485 | 21484 | part |
superior articular surface of second thoracic vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae secundae
28486 | 21540 | part |
superior articular surface of third thoracic vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
28487 | 21820 | part |
superior articular surface of fourth thoracic vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae quartae
28488 | 21596 | part |
superior articular surface of fifth thoracic vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae quintae
28499 | 21876 | part |
superior articular surface of sixth thoracic vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae sextae
28490 | 21652 | part |
superior articular surface of seventh thoracic vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae septimae
28491 | 21932 | part |
superior articular surface of eighth thoracic vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae octavae
28492 | 21708 | part |
superior articular surface of ninth thoracic vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae nonae
28493 | 21988 | part |
superior articular surface of tenth thoracic vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae decimae
28494 | 21764 | part |
superior articular surface of eleventh thoracic vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
28495 | 22044 | part |
superior articular surface of twelfth thoracic vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
24834 | 21131 |
superior articular surface of lumbar vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis
30940 | 22100 | part |
superior articular surface of first lumbar vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis primae
30941 | 22160 | part |
superior articular surface of second lumbar vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis secundae
30942 | 22220 | part |
superior articular surface of third lumbar vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
30943 | 22280 | part |
superior articular surface of fourth lumbar vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis quartae
30944 | 22340 |
superior articular surface of fifth lumbar vertebra
facies articularis superior vertebrae lumbalis quintae
24412 | 794 | part |
inferior articular facet T4 72 children
facies articularis inferior
24697 | 21125 |
inferior articular surface of cervical vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis
24093 | 10669 | part |
inferior articular surface of axis
facies articularis inferior axis
24749 | 10685 | part |
inferior articular surface of third cervical vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis tertiae
27096 | 13298 | part |
inferior articular surface of fourth cervical vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis quartae
27152 | 13315 | part |
inferior articular surface of fifth cervical vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis quintae
27208 | 13335 | part |
inferior articular surface of sixth cervical vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae cervicalis sextae
27264 | 15023 | part |
inferior articular surface of vertebra prominens
facies articularis inferior vertebrae prominentis
24812 | 21126 |
inferior articular surface of thoracic vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae
28520 | 19660 | part |
inferior articular surface of first thoracic vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae primae
28521 | 21492 | part |
inferior articular surface of second thoracic vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae secundae
28522 | 21548 | part |
inferior articular surface of third thoracic vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae tertiae
28523 | 21828 | part |
inferior articular surface of fourth thoracic vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quartae
28524 | 21604 | part |
inferior articular surface of fifth thoracic vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae quintae
28525 | 21884 | part |
inferior articular surface of sixth thoracic vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae sextae
28526 | 21660 | part |
inferior articular surface of seventh thoracic vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae septimae
28527 | 21940 | part |
inferior articular surface of eighth thoracic vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae octavae
28528 | 21716 | part |
inferior articular surface of ninth thoracic vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae nonae
28529 | 21996 | part |
inferior articular surface of tenth thoracic vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae decimae
28530 | 21772 | part |
inferior articular surface of eleventh thoracic vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae undecimae
28531 | 22052 | part |
inferior articular surface of twelfth thoracic vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae thoracicae duodecimae
24857 | 21127 |
inferior articular surface of lumbar vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis
30955 | 22108 | part |
inferior articular surface of first lumbar vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis primae
30956 | 22168 | part |
inferior articular surface of second lumbar vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis secundae
30957 | 22228 | part |
inferior articular surface of third lumbar vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis tertiae
30958 | 22288 | part |
inferior articular surface of fourth lumbar vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis quartae
30959 | 22348 |
inferior articular surface of fifth lumbar vertebra
facies articularis inferior vertebrae lumbalis quintae
65133 | 19551 |
surface of region of hip bone T4 15 children
superficies regionis ossis coxae
16965 | 1069 | part |
symphysial surface of pubis
facies symphysialis ossis pubis
16935 | 1058 | part |
auricular surface of ilium
facies auricularis ossis ilii
16975 | 1057 | part |
sacropelvic surface of ilium
facies sacropelvica ossis ilii
33525 | 1034 | part |
lunate surface of acetabulum
facies lunata acetabuli
17269 | 1032 | part |
acetabular fossa of hip bone
fossa acetabuli ossis coxae
33574 | 20620 |
surface of region of tarsal bone T4 56 children
superficies regionis ossis tarsi
20621 |
subdivision of surface of talus
divisio superficiei tali
33611 | 20622 |
subdivision of surface of head of talus
divisio superficiei capitis tali
33610 | 1181 | part |
navicular articular surface
facies articularis navicularis
33616 | 1186 | part |
middle facet of calcaneus
facies articularis calcanea media
33616 | 1184 | part |
anterior facet of calcaneus
facies articularis calcanea anterior
33617 | 1182 | part |
articular surface of plantar calcaneonavicular ligament
facies articularis ligamenti calcaneonavicularis plantaris
75825 | 1183 | part |
articular surface of calcaneonavicular ligament
facies articularis ligamenti calcaneonavicularis
33623 | 17952 |
subdivision of surface of body of talus
divisio superficiei corporis tali
33624 | 1190 | part |
superior facet of talus
facies superior tali
35150 | 1191 | part |
lateral malleolar surface of talus
facies malleolaris lateralis tali
33146 | 1193 | part |
medial malleolar facet of talus
facies malleolaris medialis tali
35169 | 17953 |
subdivision of plantar surface of body of talus
divisio superficiei plantaris corporis tali
33632 | 1198 | part |
posterior calcaneal articular surface of talus
facies articularis calcanea posterior tali
77235 | 1187 | part |
sulcus of talus
sulcus tali
33576 | 17955 |
subdivision of surface of calcaneus
divisio superficiei calcanei
33713 | 17956 |
subdivision of superior surface of calcaneus
divisio superficiei superioris calcanei
33714 | 1209 | part |
anterior talar articular surface
facies articularis talaris anterior
33715 | 1210 | part |
middle talar articular surface
facies articularis talaris media
33716 | 1211 | part |
posterior talar articular surface
facies articularis talaris posterior
33706 | 17957 |
subdivision of anterior surface of calcaneus
divisio superficiei anterioris calcanei
33707 | 1214 | part |
cuboid articular surface
facies articularis cuboidea
34751 | 17958 |
subdivision of medial surface of tarsal bone
divisio superficiei medialis ossis tarsi
35138 | 1208 | part |
tarsal sinus
sinus tarsi
77236 | 1207 | part |
calcaneal sulcus
sulcus calcanei
58315 | 9726 |
surface of region of wall of bulb
superficies regionis parietis bulbi
58888 | 11456 |
surface of lens
superficies lentis
58889 | 7008 | part |
anterior surface of lens
facies anterior lentis
58890 | 7009 | part |
posterior surface of lens
facies posterior lentis
58885 | 17814 |
surface of iris
superficies iridis
58491 | 6935↓ | part |
anterior surface of iris
facies anterior iridis
58492 | 6936 | part |
posterior surface of iris
facies posterior iridis
58316 | 17831 |
surface of cornea
superficies corneae
58317 | 6906 | part |
anterior surface of cornea
facies anterior corneae
58318 | 6907 | part |
posterior surface of cornea
facies posterior corneae
24146 | 17863 |
surface of region of human body
superficies regionis corporis humani
24147 | 17864 |
surface of subdivision of cardinal body part
superficies divisionis partis principalis corporis humani
49188 | 17865 |
surface of subdivision of head
superficies divisionis capitis
46485 | 17866 |
subdivision of surface of face
divisio superficiei faciei
329285 | 17867 |
subdivision of surface of eye
divisio superficiei oculi
59060 | 17868 |
surface of eyelid
superficies palpebrae
59059 | 7056 |
anterior face of eyelid
facies anterior palpebrae
59451 | 7589 | part |
anterior surface of superior eyelid
facies anterior palpebrae superioris
59452 | 7602 | part |
anterior surface of inferior eyelid
facies anterior palpebrae inferioris
59061 | 7058 |
posterior face of eyelid
facies posterior palpebrae
59455 | 7590 | part |
posterior surface of superior eyelid
facies posterior palpebrae superioris
59456 | 7612 | part |
posterior surface of inferior eyelid
facies posterior palpebrae inferioris
76668 | 18017 |
surface of cartilage
superficies cartilaginis
76671 | 2853 | part |
articular surface of arytenoid cartilage
facies articularis cartilaginis arytenoideae
76672 | 2855 | part |
anterolateral surface of arytenoid cartilage
facies anterolateralis cartilaginis arytenoideae
76673 | 2861 | part |
medial surface of arytenoid cartilage
facies medialis cartilaginis arytenoideae
76674 | 2862 | part |
posterior surface of arytenoid cartilage
facies posterior cartilaginis arytenoideae
24210 | 10502 |
ERR T3 692 children
regio superficiei organi
24209 | 14757 |
region of surface of heart T4 5 children
regio superficiei cordis
7141 | 3617 | part |
inferior surface of heart ; diaphragmatic surface of heart
facies inferior cordis ; facies diaphragmatica cordis
75133 | 3621 | part |
notch of apex of heart ; notch of cardiac apex
incisura apicis cordis
7140 | 3616 | part |
anterior surface of heart ; sternocostal surface of heart
facies anterior cordis ; facies sternocostalis cordis
9246 | 3648 | part |
oval fossa of heart ; fossa ovalis
fossa ovalis cordis
9247 | 3649 | part |
limbus of oval fossa of heart of heart ; limbus fossae ovalis; limbus of fossa ovalis
limbus fossae ovalis cordis
64848 | 16079 |
region of surface of viscerocranial mucosa T4 15 children
regio superficiei mucosae viscerocranialis
54993 | 2471 | part |
torus tubarius
torus tubarius pharyngis
54996 | 2474 | part |
torus levatorius of pharynx
torus levatorius pharyngis
55037 | 2479 | part |
epiglottic vallecula
vallecula epiglottica
59686 | 2791 | part |
limen nasi
limen nasi
59766 | 2802 | part |
agger nasi
agger nasi
66080 | 10740 |
region of surface of bone
regio superficiei ossis
36978 | 10736 |
region of surface of long bone
regio superficiei ossis longi
66077 | 9632 |
region of surface of rib T4 114 children
regio superficiei costae
7578 | 860 | part |
crest of head of rib
crista capitis costae
13081 | part |
crest of head of first rib
crista capitis costae primae
7632 | 13137 | part |
crest of head of second rib
crista capitis costae secundae
7640 | 22428 | part |
crest of head of third rib
crista capitis costae tertiae
7751 | 11416 | part |
crest of head of fourth rib
crista capitis costae quartae
7778 | 11445 | part |
crest of head of fifth rib
crista capitis costae quintae
7805 | 17075 | part |
crest of head of sixth rib
crista capitis costae sextae
7832 | 17076 | part |
crest of head of seventh rib
crista capitis costae septimae
8122 | 17077 | part |
crest of head of eighth rib
crista capitis costae octavae
8339 | 17078 | part |
crest of head of ninth rib
crista capitis costae nonae
17079 | part |
crest of head of tenth rib
crista capitis costae decimae
17080 | part |
crest of head of eleventh rib
crista capitis costae undecimae
17081 | part |
crest of head of twelfth rib
crista capitis costae duodecimae
7582 | 862 | part |
crest of neck of rib
crista colli costae
13088 | part |
crest of neck of first rib
crista colli costae primae
13145 | part |
crest of neck of second rib
crista colli costae secundae
7707 | 22436 | part |
crest of neck of third rib
crista colli costae tertiae
7756 | 11428 | part |
crest of neck of fourth rib
crista colli costae quartae
7783 | 11447 | part |
crest of neck of fifth rib
crista colli costae quintae
7810 | 17089 | part |
crest of neck of sixth rib
crista colli costae sextae
7837 | 17090 | part |
crest of neck of seventh rib
crista colli costae septimae
8127 | 17091 | part |
crest of neck of eighth rib
crista colli costae octavae
8344 | 17092 | part |
crest of neck of ninth rib
crista colli costae nonae
8425 | 17093 | part |
crest of neck of tenth rib
crista colli costae decimae
17094 | part |
crest of neck of eleventh rib
crista colli costae undecimae
17095 | part |
crest of neck of twelfth rib
crista colli costae duodecimae
7588 | 867 | part |
costal groove
sulcus costae
13107 | part |
sulcus of first rib
sulcus costae primae
7636 | 13165 | part |
sulcus of second rib
sulcus costae secundae
7714 | 22456 | part |
sulcus of third rib
sulcus costae tertiae
7764 | 11433 | part |
sulcus of fourth rib
sulcus costae quartae
7791 | 11487 | part |
sulcus of fifth rib
sulcus costae quintae
7818 | 17121 | part |
groove of sixth rib
sulcus costae sextae
7845 | 17122 | part |
groove of seventh rib
sulcus costae septimae
8135 | 17123 | part |
groove of eighth rib
sulcus costae octavae
8352 | 17124 | part |
groove of ninth rib
sulcus costae nonae
8433 | 17125 | part |
groove of tenth rib
sulcus costae decimae
8506 | 17126 | part |
groove of eleventh rib
sulcus costae undecimae
37010 | 17154 |
region of surface of clavicle T4 18 children
regio superficiei claviculae
23334 | 921 | part |
sternal facet of clavicle
facies articularis sternalis claviculae
23340 | 926 | part |
acromial facet of clavicle
facies articularis acromialis claviculae
23322 | 928 | part |
conoid tubercle
tuberculum conoideum
75811 | 927 | part |
tuberosity of coracoacromial ligament of clavicle
tuberositas ligamenti coracoacromialis claviculae
23343 | 924 | part |
subclavian groove of body of clavicle; groove of musculus subclavius of body of clavicle
sulcus musculi subclavii corporis claviculae
75810 | 922 | part |
impression of costoclavicular ligament of clavicle
impressio ligamenti costoclavicularis claviculae
66065 | 13726 |
subdivision of surface of humerus T4 21 children
divisio superficiei humeri
23451 | 955 | part |
coronoid fossa of humerus
fossa coronoidea humeri
23450 | 954 | part |
fossa of olecranon of humerus
fossa olecrani humeri
23452 | 956 | part |
radial fossa of humerus
fossa radialis humeri
75158 | 941 | part |
anteromedial surface of humerus
facies anteromedialis humeri
75159 | 942 | part |
anterolateral surface of humerus
facies anterolateralis humeri
75160 | 943 | part |
posterior surface of humerus
facies posterior humeri
23417 | 944 | part |
groove of radial nerve
sulcus nervi radialis
37080 | 20823 |
subdivision of surface of femur T4 19 children
divisio superficiei femoris
66196 | 20824 |
subdivision of surface of epiphysis of femur
divisio superficiei epiphysis femoris
66197 | 20825 |
subdivision of surface of proximal epiphysis of femur
divisio superficiei epiphysis proximalis femoris
43703 | 1107 | part |
trochanteric fossa of femur
fossa trochanterica femoris
43748 | 1129 | part |
intercondylar fossa of femur
fossa intercondylaris femoris
43700 | 1104 | part |
fovea of ligament of head of femur
fovea capitis femoris
20915 |
subdivision of surface of distal epiphysis of femur
divisio superficiei epiphysis distalis femoris
43745 | 1128 | part |
patellar surface of femur
facies patellaris femoris
20910 |
subdivision of surface of diaphysis of femur
divisio superficiei diaphysis ossis femoris
43730 | 1119 | part |
popliteal surface of body of femur
facies poplitea corporis femoris
37217 | 13914 |
region of surface of ulna T4 19 children
regio superficiei ulnae
66181 | 13916 |
subdivision of surface of epiphysis of ulna
divisio superficiei epiphysis ulnae
66166 | 13918 |
subdivision of surface of proximal epiphysis of ulna
divisio superficiei epiphysis proximalis ulnae
23618 | 984 | part |
radial notch of ulna
incisura radialis ulnae
23619 | 985 | part |
trochlear notch of ulna
incisura trochlearis ulnae
66179 | 17665 |
subdivision of surface of distal epiphysis of ulna
divisio superficiei epiphysis distalis ulnae
37236 | 17666 |
subdivision of surface of diaphysis of ulna
divisio superficiei diaphysis ulnae
75164 | 987 | part |
anterior surface of shaft of ulna
facies anterior corporis ulnae
75165 | 988 | part |
posterior surface of shaft of ulna
facies posterior corporis ulnae
75166 | 989 | part |
medial surface of shaft of ulna
facies medialis corporis ulnae
37185 | 17918 |
region of surface of radius T4 19 children
regio superficiei radii
75161 | 967 | part |
anterior surface of radius
facies anterior radii
75162 | 968 | part |
posterior surface of radius
facies posterior radii
75163 | 969 | part |
lateral surface of radius
facies lateralis radii
977 | part |
tendinous groove
sulcus tendinum musculorum extensorum
23535 | 979 | part |
carpal articular surface of radius
facies articularis carpalis radii
17373 | part |
scaphoid facet
faciecula scaphoidea
17374 | part |
lunate facet
faciecula lunata
37115 | 17931 |
region of surface of tibia T4 37 children
regio superficiei tibiae
66201 | 17932 |
subdivision of surface of epiphysis of tibia
divisio superficiei epiphysis tibiae
66202 | 17933 |
subdivision of surface of proximal epiphysis of tibia
divisio superficiei epiphysis proximalis tibiae
43838 | 1137 | part |
superior articular surface of tibia
facies articularis superior tibiae
43758 | 17203 | part |
lateral facet
faciecula lateralis
43755 | 17204 | part |
medial facet
faciecula medialis
66203 | 17941 |
subdivision of surface of distal epiphysis of tibia
divisio superficiei epiphysis distalis tibiae
43752 | 1140 | part |
fibular articular surface of tibia
facies articularis fibularis tibiae
81040 | 1156 | part |
malleolar groove of tibia
sulcus malleolaris tibiae
43841 | 1159 | part |
inferior articular surface of tibia
facies articularis inferior tibiae
43835 | 1158 | part |
fibular notch of tibia
incisura fibularis tibiae
77233 | 1157 | part |
articular facet of medial malleolus
faciecula articularis malleoli medialis
37137 | 17942 |
subdivision of surface of body of tibia
divisio superficiei corporis tibiae
43770 | 1148 | part |
medial surface of tibia
facies medialis tibiae
37134 | 1149 | part |
posterior surface of tibia
facies posterior tibiae
43776 | 1151 | part |
lateral surface of tibia
facies lateralis tibiae
37150 | 17946 |
region of surface of fibula T4 20 children
regio superficiei fibulae
37172 | 17947 |
region of surface of body of fibula
regio superficiei corporis fibulae
43848 | 1166 | part |
lateral surface of fibula
facies lateralis fibulae
43849 | 1167 | part |
medial surface of fibula
facies medialis fibulae
37169 | 1168 | part |
posterior surface of fibula
facies posterior fibulae
66207 | 17948 |
region of surface of epiphysis of fibula
regio superficiei epiphysis fibulae
17208↓ | part |
oblique crest
crista obliqua
66210 | 1162 | part |
articular surface of fibular head
facies articularis capitis fibulae
43866 | 1174 | part |
articular surface of lateral malleolus
facies articularis malleoli lateralis
43870 | 1175 | part |
malleolar fossa
fossa malleoli lateralis fibulae
43869 | 1176 | part |
malleolar groove of fibula
sulcus malleolaris fibulae
66123 | 10737 |
region of surface of flat bone T4 13 children
regio superficiei ossis plani
10503 |
region of surface of scapula
regio superficiei scapulae
23227 | 897 | part |
costal surface of scapula
facies costalis scapulae ; facies anterior scapulae
23230 | 899 | part |
posterior surface of scapula
facies posterior scapulae
296204 | 17150 |
region of surface of body of scapula
regio superficiei corporis scapulae
23275 | 914 | part |
glenoid cavity of scapula
cavitas glenoidalis scapulae
66124 | 17896 |
region of surface of sternum
regio superficiei sterni
7520 | 884 | part |
costal notch of sternum
incisura costalis sterni
33366 | 10738 |
region of surface of bone of wrist
regio superficiei ossis carpi
65544 | 20920 |
subdivision of surface of vertebra T4 8 children
divisio superficiei vertebrae
31920 | 20921 |
articular face of atlas
facies articularis atlantis
23985 | 804 | part |
superior articular surface of atlas
facies articularis superior atlantis
23986 | 805 | part |
inferior articular surface of atlas
facies articularis inferior atlantis
23996 | 807 | part |
fovea of tooth of atlas
fovea dentis atlantis
66235 | 20534 |
subdivision of surface of patella T4 18 children
divisio superficiei patellae
43651 | 1135 | part |
anterior surface of patella
facies anterior patellae
43669 | 1134 | part |
articular surface of patella
facies articularis patellae
17195 | part |
cristal surface of patella
facies cristalis patellae
43679 | 17196 | part |
lateral facet of patella
faciecula lateralis patellae
43678 | 17197 | part |
medial facet of patella
faciecula medialis patellae
17198 | part |
(accessory facet of patella )
(faciecula accessoria patellae )
75308 | 328 | part |
infratemporal fossa
fossa infratemporalis
75309 | 329 | part |
pterygopalatine fossa
fossa pterygopalatina
75316 | 1052 | part |
iliac fossa of ilium
fossa iliaca ossis ilii
75334 | 1053 | part |
gluteal surface of ilium
facies glutea ossis ilii
54846 | 10739 |
region of surface of bone of cranium T4 148 children
regio superficiei ossis cranii
57130 | 10741 |
subdivision of surface of frontal bone
divisio superficiei ossis frontalis
52855 | 424 | part |
external surface of frontal bone
facies externa ossis frontalis
52856 | 436 | part |
internal surface of frontal bone
facies interna ossis frontalis
57132 | 10758 |
subdivision of external surface of frontal bone
divisio superficiei externae ossis frontalis
57133 | 432 | part |
temporal surface of frontal bone
facies temporalis ossis frontalis
57119 | 10757 |
subdivision of internal surface of frontal bone
divisio superficiei internae ossis frontalis
57120 | 438 | part |
groove of superior sagittal sinus of frontal bone
sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris ossis frontalis
57131 | 444 | part |
orbital surface of frontal bone
facies orbitalis ossis frontalis
57395 | 10759 |
orbital surface of subdivision of frontal bone
superficies orbitalis divisionis ossis frontalis
57396 | 447 | part |
fossa of lacrimal gland of frontal bone ; lacrimal fossa
fossa glandulae lacrimalis ossis frontalis
57399 | 446 | part |
trochlear fovea
fovea trochlearis
57388 | 449 | part |
ethmoidal notch of frontal bone
incisura ethmoidalis ossis frontalis
81057 | 10742 |
subdivision of surface of parietal bone
divisio superficiei ossis parietalis
52792 | 409 | part |
external surface of parietal bone
facies externa ossis parietalis
52791 | 404 | part |
internal surface of parietal bone
facies interna ossis parietalis
57090 | 10760 |
subdivision of internal surface of parietal bone
divisio faciei internae ossis parietalis
57100 | 405 | part |
sulcus of sigmoid sinus of parietal bone
sulcus sinus sigmoidei ossis parietalis
57108 | 406 | part |
sulcus of superior sagittal sinus of parietal bone
sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris ossis parietalis
57111 | 407 | part |
sulcus of middle meningeal artery of parietal bone
sulcus arteriae meningeae mediae ossis parietalis
57114 | 408 | part |
sulcus of branch of middle meningeal artery of parietal bone
sulcus rami arteriae meningeae mediae ossis parietalis
75745 | 10743 |
subdivision of surface of occipital bone
divisio superficiei ossis occipitalis
81023 | 471 | part |
jugular notch of occipital bone
incisura jugularis ossis occipitalis
81054 | 10744 |
subdivision of surface of temporal bone
divisio superficiei ossis temporalis
314557 | 326 | part |
temporal fossa
fossa temporalis
55499 | 549 | part |
sulcus of sigmoid sinus of temporal bone
sulcus sinus sigmoidei ossis temporalis
55496 | 550 | part |
sulcus of occipital artery of temporal bone ; occipital groove of temporal bone
sulcus arteriae occipitalis ossis temporalis
56418 | 577 | part |
subarcuate fossa of temporal bone
fossa subarcuata ossis temporalis
56466 | 601 | part |
tympanic sulcus of temporal bone
sulcus tympanicus ossis temporalis
55949 | 571 | part |
trigeminal impression
impressio trigeminalis
55988 | 568 | part |
groove of greater petrous nerve
sulcus nervi petrosi majoris
55977 | 570 | part |
groove of lesser petrous nerve
sulcus nervi petrosi minoris
56458 | 582 | part |
jugular notch of temporal bone
incisura jugularis ossis temporalis
56429 | 584 | part |
jugular fossa of temporal bone
fossa jugularis ossis temporalis
56458 | 588 | part |
jugular notch of petrous part
incisura jugularis partis petrosae
75324 | 621 | part |
cerebral face of squamous part
facies cerebralis partis squamosae
59174 | 10745 |
subdivision of surface of palatine bone
divisio superficiei ossis palatini
81053 | 10746 |
subdivision of surface of sphenoid
divisio superficiei ossis sphenoidalis
81058 | 10749 |
subdivision of surface of nasal bone
divisio superficiei ossis nasalis
81059 | 10750 |
subdivision of surface of inferior nasal concha
divisio superficiei conchae nasalis inferioris
57706 | 10754 |
subdivision of surface of maxilla
divisio superficiei maxillae
57694 | 658 | part |
orbital surface of maxilla
facies orbitalis maxillae
57697 | 662 | part |
anterior surface of maxilla
facies anterior maxillae
57703 | 672 | part |
nasal surface of maxilla
facies nasalis maxillae
57700 | 668 | part |
infratemporal surface of maxilla
facies infratemporalis maxillae
57746 | 660 | part |
infraorbital groove
sulcus infraorbitalis
56762 | 664 | part |
canine fossa of maxilla
fossa canina maxillae
57712 | 673 | part |
lacrimal groove of maxilla
sulcus lacrimalis maxillae
57762 | 677 | part |
greater palatine groove of maxilla
sulcus palatinus major maxillae
57762 | 689 | part |
palatine groove
sulcus palatinus
56760 | 2384 | part |
canine stria
stria canina
59218 | 10755 |
subdivision of surface of zygomatic bone
divisio superficiei ossis zygomatici
59219 | 716 | part |
lateral surface of zygomatic bone
facies lateralis ossis zygomatici
59223 | 717 | part |
temporal surface of zygomatic bone
facies temporalis ossis zygomatici
59226 | 718 | part |
orbital surface of zygomatic bone
facies orbitalis ossis zygomatici
59427 | 10756 |
subdivision of surface of mandible
divisio superficiei mandibulae
59435 | 740 | part |
submandibular fossa
fovea submandibularis
59444 | 734 | part |
digastric fossa of mandible
fossa digastrica mandibulae
59434 | 739 | part |
sublingual fossa
fovea sublingualis
59426 | 731 | part |
mental tubercle of mandible
tuberculum mentale mandibulae
59448 | 756 | part |
mylohyoid sulcus of mandible
sulcus mylohyoideus mandibulae
59462 | 17038 |
surface of branch of mandible
superficies rami mandibulae
59478 | 763 | part |
pterygoid fovea of mandible
fovea pterygoidea mandibulae
54960 | 612 | part |
suprameatal fovea; suprameatal triangle
foveola suprameatalis ; foveola suprameatalis
75313 | 614 | part |
mandibular fossa of temporal bone
fossa mandibularis ossis temporalis
75784 | 747 | part |
retromolar trigone
trigonum retromolare
75315 | 748 | part |
retromolar fossa of mandible
fossa retromolaris mandibulae
75310 | 469 | part |
condylar fossa of occipital bone
fossa condylaris ossis occipitalis
75314 | 615 | part |
articular surface of temporal bone
facies articularis ossis temporalis
65932 | 17141 |
region of surface of sacrum T4 5 children
regio superficiei ossis sacri
31730 | 834 | part |
auricular surface of sacrum
facies auricularis ossis sacri
31718 | 836 | part |
pelvic face of sacrum
facies pelvica ossis sacri
31719 | 840 | part |
dorsal face of sacrum
facies dorsalis ossis sacri
45791 | 293 |
76921 | 7171 | part |
fossa of vestibular window ; fossa of oval window; oval window niche
fossula fenestrae vestibuli ; fossula fenestrae ovalis
76922 | 7177 | part |
fossa of cochlear window ; round window niche
fossula fenestrae cochlearis
76923 | 7186 | part |
fossa of incus
fossa incudis
38338 | 16179 |
region of surface of lung T4 17 children
regio superficiei pulmonis
7321 | 2968 | part |
costal surface of lung
facies costalis pulmonis
7320 | 2972 | part |
diaphragmatic surface of lung
facies diaphragmatica pulmonis
7323 | 16159↓ | part |
medial face of lung
facies medialis pulmonis
18145 | 16181 |
medial region of face
regio faciei medialis
7325 | 2971 | part |
cardiac impression of mediastinal part
impressio cardiaca partis mediastinalis
26286 | 16180 |
surface of region of lobe of lung
superficies regionis lobi pulmonis
7327 | 2973 | part |
interlobar surface of lung
facies interlobaris pulmonis
7568 | 890 | part |
pulmonary sulcus
sulcus pulmonalis
12219 | 17913 |
groove of surface of lung
sulcus superficiei pulmonis
13156 | 872 | part |
groove of subclavian artery of first rib
sulcus arteriae subsubclaviae costae primae
75073 | 873 | part |
groove of subclavian vein of first rib
sulcus venae subclaviae costae primae
55319 | 16236 |
region of surface of cartilage organ T4 21 children
regio superficiei organi cartilaginis
55326 | 16237 |
region of surface of thyroid cartilage
regio superficiei cartilaginis thyroideae
55281 | 16238 |
thyroid notch
incisura thyroidea
55279 | 2828 | part |
superior thyroid notch
incisura thyroidea superior
55280 | 2829 | part |
inferior thyroid notch
incisura thyroidea inferior
55320 | 18016 |
region of surface of cricoid cartilage
regio superficiei cartilaginis cricoideae
55317 | 2845 | part |
arytenoid articular surface
facies articularis arytenoidea
55318 | 2846 | part |
thyroid articular surface
facies articularis thyroidea
55334 | 18019 |
region of surface of arytenoid cartilage
regio superficiei cartilaginis arytenoideae
55352 | 2857 | part |
arcuate crest of arytenoid cartilage
crista arcuata cartilaginis arytenoideae
76912 | 2859 | part |
oblong fovea of arytenoid cartilage
fovea oblonga cartilaginis arytenoideae
76913 | 2860 | part |
triangular fovea of arytenoid cartilage
fovea triangularis cartilaginis arytenoideae
66265 | 16272 |
region of surface of kidney T4 7 children
regio superficiei renis
37328 | 16273 |
region of external surface of kidney
regio superficiei externae renis
15589 | 3046 | part |
anterior surface of kidney
facies anterior renis
15590 | 3047 | part |
posterior surface of kidney
facies posterior renis
18590 | 16332 |
region of surface of ovary ♀ T4 6 children
regio superficiei ovarii ♀
18594 | 3147 | part |
medial surface of ovary ♀
facies medialis ovarii ♀
18597 | 3148 | part |
lateral surface of ovary ♀
facies lateralis ovarii ♀
37342 | 10274 |
region of surface of uterus ♀ T4 2 children
regio superficiei uteri ♀
17770 | 3182 | part |
intestinal face of uterus ♀ ; posterior face of uterus ♀
facies intestinalis uteri ♀ ; facies posterior uteri ♀
17769 | 3184 | part |
vesical surface of uterus ♀; anterior surface of uterus ♀
facies vesicalis uteri ♀ ; facies anterior uteri ♀
19890 | 16413 |
region of surface of testis ♂ T4 6 children
regio superficiei testis ♂
19899 | 3276 | part |
lateral surface of testis ♂
facies lateralis testis ♂
19897 | 3277 | part |
medial surface of testis ♂
facies medialis testis ♂
265259 | 15250 |
navicular fossa of urethra T4 2 children
fossa navicularis urethrae
19722 | 3405 | part |
navicular fossa of male urethra ♂
fossa navicularis urethrae masculinae ♂
265261 | 17615 |
navicular fossa of female urethra ♀
fossa navicularis urethrae femininae ♀
19589 | 16496 |
region of surface of prostate ♂ T4 8 children
regio superficiei prostatae ♂
19591 | 3338 | part |
anterior surface of prostate ♂
facies anterior prostatae ♂
19592 | 3339 | part |
posterior surface of prostate ♂
facies posterior prostatae ♂
19596 | 3340 | part |
lateral surface of prostate ♂
facies lateralis prostatae ♂
16453 | part |
posterolateral surface of prostate ♂
facies posterolateralis prostatae ♂
16528 | 16576 |
region of surface of pouch of peritoneum T4 13 children
regio superficiei sacci peritonei
21030 | 3529 | part |
ovarian fossa of urogenital peritoneum ♀
fossa ovarica peritonei urogenitalis ♀
21051 | 3514 | part |
supravesical fossa of abdominal peritoneum
fossa supravesicalis peritonei abdominis
21021 | 16577 |
inguinal fossa
fossa inguinalis
21022 | 3516 | part |
medial inguinal fossa
fossa inguinalis medialis
21023 | 3519 | part |
lateral inguinal fossa
fossa inguinalis lateralis
37341 | 16614 |
region of surface of suprarenal gland T4 9 children
regio superficiei glandulae suprarenalis
15635 | 3558 | part |
anterior face of suprarenal gland
facies anterior glandulae suprarenalis
15636 | 3559 | part |
posterior face of suprarenal gland
facies posterior glandulae suprarenalis
15637 | 3560 | part |
renal face of suprarenal gland
facies renalis glandulae suprarenalis
37330 | 16626 |
region of surface of spleen T4 6 children
regio superficiei splenis
15828 | 4876 | part |
diaphragmatic surface of spleen
facies diaphragmatica splenis ; facies diaphragmatica lienalis
15829 | 4877 | part |
visceral surface of spleen
facies visceralis splenis ; facies visceralis lienalis
15839 | 4878 | part |
renal impression
facies renalis splenis ; facies renalis lienalis
15837 | 4879 | part |
gastric impression
facies gastrica splenis ; facies gastrica lienalis
15838 | 4880 | part |
colic impression
facies colica splenis ; facies colica lienalis
15840 | 4881 | part |
(pancreatic impression)
(facies pancreatica splenis ; facies pancreatica lienalis)
66340 | 17763 |
region of surface of tonsil T4 8 children
regio superficiei tonsillae
55044 | 17764 |
crypt of tonsil
crypta tonsillae
76579 | 2452 | part |
crypt of palatine tonsil; tonsillar crypt
crypta tonsillae palatinae
76591 | 2467 | part |
crypt of pharyngeal tonsil; tonsillar crypt of pharynx
crypta tonsillae pharyngeae
76579 | 2452 | part |
crypt of palatine tonsil; tonsillar crypt
crypta tonsillae palatinae
76579 | 2452 | part |
crypt of palatine tonsil; tonsillar crypt
crypta tonsillae palatinae
55043 | 17765 |
fossa of tonsil
fossula tonsillae
76578 | 2451 | part |
pit of palatine tonsil; tonsillar pit
fossula tonsillae palatinae
268974 | 2466 | part |
pit of pharyngeal tonsil; tonsillar pit of pharynx
fossula tonsillae pharyngeae
65540 | 17815 |
region of surface of eyeball T4 12 children
regio superficiei globi oculi
7742 | part |
pupillary zone of iris
zona pupillaris iridis
7758 | part |
pupillary crypt
crypta pupillae
7489 | part |
ciliary zone of iris
zona ciliaris iridis
7490 | part |
crypt of iris
crypta iridis
20054 | 18130 |
region of internal surface of anal canal
regio superficiei internae canalis analis
15715 | 2656 | part |
intersphincteric groove
sulcus intersphinctericus
18141 | 18135 |
region of surface of liver T4 20 children
regio superficiei hepatis
15729 | 2659 | part |
diaphragmatic face of liver
facies diaphragmatica hepatis
14479 | 2669 | part |
visceral face of liver
facies visceralis hepatis
17529 | 17808 |
region of diaphragmatic surface of liver
regio superficiei diaphragmaticae hepatis
14475 | 2660 | part |
superior part of diaphragmatic face of liver
pars superior faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
14476 | 2662 | part |
anterior part of diaphragmatic face of liver
pars anterior faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
14477 | 2663 | part |
right part of diaphragmatic face of liver
pars dextra faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
14478 | 2664 | part |
posterior part of diaphragmatic face of liver
pars posterior faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
14480 | 2665 | part |
nude area of diaphragmatic face of liver
area nuda faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
17535 | 18137 |
hepatic impression
impressio hepatica
14486 | 2675 | part |
oesophageal impression of liver ▲
impressio oesophagea hepatis
14487 | 2676 | part |
gastric impression of liver
impressio gastrica hepatis
14485 | 2677 | part |
duodenal impression of liver
impressio duodenalis hepatis
14484 | 2678 | part |
colic impression of liver
impressio colica hepatis
14488 | 2679 | part |
renal impression of liver
impressio renalis hepatis
14489 | 2680 | part |
suprarenal impression of liver
impressio suprarenalis hepatis
14494 | 2670 | part |
fossa for gallbladder
fossa vesicae biliaris ; fossa vesicae felleae
17536 | 18136 |
hepatic fissure
fissura hepatica
14491 | 2667 | part |
fissure for ligamentum venosum
fissura ligamenti venosi
75115 | 2671 | part |
fissure for ligamentum teres; fissure for round ligament
fissura ligamenti teretis hepatis
76678 | 2661 | part |
cardiac impression of diaphragmatic face of liver
impressio cardiaca faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
28610 | 18150 |
region of surface of pancreas T4 3 children
regio superficiei pancreatis
76675 | 2752 | part |
anterosuperior surface of pancreas
facies anterosuperior pancreatis
14523 | 2753 | part |
posterior surface of pancreas
facies posterior pancreatis
14524 | 2754 | part |
anteroinferior surface of pancreas
facies anteroinferior pancreatis
285652 | 18151 |
region of surface of tooth
regio superficiei dentis
56662 | 2342 | part |
occlusal fossa of crown of tooth
fossa occlusalis coronae dentis ; fovea occlusalis
77188 | 2386 | part |
mesial fovea
fovea mesialis
77189 | 2387 | part |
distal fovea
fovea distalis
62647 | 10504 |
surface of system of organs
superficies systematis organorum
29859 | 10505 |
subdivision of surface of system of organs T3 14 children
divisio superficiei systematis organorum
53123 | 10955 |
surface of cranium
superficies cranii
57117 | 10956 |
subdivision of surface of cranium
divisio superficiei cranii
57118 | 342 | part |
groove of superior sagittal sinus of calvaria
sulcus sinus sagittalis superioris calvariae
75339 | 356 | part |
groove of inferior petrous sinus of cranial base
sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris basis cranii
53125 | 11050 |
internal surface of calvaria
superficies interna calvariae
53126 | 11051 |
external surface of calvaria
superficies externa calvariae
75311 | 488 | part |
cerebral fossa of occipital bone
fossa cerebralis ossis occipitalis
75312 | 489 | part |
cerebellar fossa of occipital bone
fossa cerebellaris ossis occipitalis
61691 | 10506 |
surface of anatomical complex T3 12 children
superficies complexus anatomici
27979 | 11262 |
surface of complex of subdivision of organ
superficies complexus divisionis organi
300051 | 364 | part |
incisive fossa
fossa incisiva
27976 | 16505 |
subdivision of surface of penis ♂
divisio superficiei penis ♂
19623 | 3360 | part |
dorsum of penis ♂
dorsum penis ♂
19624 | 3361 | part |
urethral surface of penis ♂
facies urethralis penis ♂
76617 | 174 | part |
(coccygeal foveola )
(foveola coccygea )
55041 | 2446 | part |
tonsillar fossa ; tonsillar sinus ; tonsillar bed
fossa tonsillaris ; sinus tonsillaris
55050 | 2447 | part |
supratonsillar fossa
fossa supratonsillaris
67640 | 10507 |
surface of tissue
superficies textus
67653 | 10508 |
surface of cell
superficies cellulae
62519 | 10509 |
surface of part of cell
superficies partis cellulae
242982 | 10499 |
anatomical plane
planum anatomicum
62532 | 16991 |
anchored anatomical plane
planum anatomicum ancorarium
74565 | 479 | part |
occipital plane
planum occipitale
874 items
1752 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
6935 |
The Facies anterior of the iris has been subdivided into a Zona pupillaris and a Zona ciliaris, separated by the Catella or collarette (based on Geneser F 1986 Textbook of Histology. Munksgaard, Copenhagen).
16159 |
The Facies medialis pulmonis is divided into a Pars vertebralis, a Pars mediastinalis and a Cardiac impression following NA3 (1966).
17208 |
New term suggested by Foijtik P, Kašper Š, Bartonicek J, Tucek M, Nanka O. Surg Radiol Anat 2023; 45:255-262.
Signature |
Type of list | T2F |
List Unit Identifier | 10182 |
Sublist 1 | 9460 regio corporis humani 5/6 on 30.6.2024 |
Sublist 2 | 10501 superficies organi 22/17 on 14.10.2024 |
Sublist 3 | 10502 regio superficiei organi 692/333 on 8.1.2025 |
Sublist 4 | 10505 divisio superficiei systematis organorum 14/9 on 1.7.2024 |
Sublist 5 | 10506 superficies complexus anatomicalis 12/9 on 1.7.2024 |
Sublist 6 | 10512 superficies divisionis capitis 66/31 on 14.10.2024 |
Sublist 7 | 10513 superficies divisionis colli 41/20 on 28.6.2024 |
Sublist 8 | 10514 superficies divisionis trunci 65/38 on 30.6.2024 |
Sublist 9 | 10515 superficies partis membri 194/79 on 30.6.2024 |
Sublist 10 | 14758 superficies regionis organi 619/320 on 8.1.2025 |
Subtotals | subchildren 1730 subunits 862 |
Proper children | 21 |
Number of children | 1751 (validated) |
Proper units | 12 |
Number of units | 874 (validated) |
Signature | 1552 (validated since 8.1.2025) |
Date: 08.01.2025 |